Reckoning prior Central Govt service of Kerala University employees for pensionary benefits
Reckoning prior Central Government service of University employees for pensionary benefits – Orders issued.
G.O.(P) .No.53/ 2018/FIN Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 30/ 03/ 2018
Ref: 1. G.O (P) No: 703/ 2002/ Fin dated 12.11.2002
2. G.O (P) No: 651/2003/Fin dated 06.12.2003
3. G.O (P) No: 39/2006/Fin dated 23.01.2006
4. G.O (P) No: 212/2009/Fin dated 03.06.2009
5. G.O (P) No: 608/2010/Fin dated 22.11.2010
6. Representation dated 20.06.2017 received from the Association of Calicut University Teachers
Government vide orders read 1st and 2nd above, have ordered that employees of State Government Departments who left their former service in Central Government / Central Public Sector Undertakings on their own volition for taking up appointments in State Government Departments will be allowed to reckon their prior service for all pensionary benefits along with the service in State Government Departments. Amendment to note 2 under rule 11 Part III KSR has been made by order read 3rd above. As per order read 4th above it was ordered that only the prior service in Central Government shall be reckoned as qualifying service for pensionary benefits and prior service in Central Public Sector Undertakings shall not be reckoned for pensionary benefits. Accordingly amendment to note 2 under rule 11 Part III KSRs has been made by
order read 5th above.
2. Association of Calicut University Teachers in their representation read 6th above requested to modify the order read 1st above to the extend that employees of the Universities who left their former service in Central Government/ Central Autonomous Bodies on their own volition be allowed to reckon their prior service for pensionary benefits.
3. Government have examilned; the matter in detail, reckoning of service rendered by State Governmentemployees In Central
Autonomous Bodies/ Central Public Sector Unertakings was revoked as per order read 4th above. Accordingly, Government
are pleased to order that prior Central Government service rendered before 01.01.2004, by the employees of the Universities
in Kerala shall be reckoned as qualifying service for pensionary benefits as approved in the case of State Government employees. However, prior service rendered by the employees of the Universities in Kerala in Central Autonomous Bodies/
Central Public Sector Undertakings shall not be reckoned as qualifying service for pensionary benefits.
4. All Universities in Kerala State shall make suitable amendments to their statutes accordingly.
By order of the Governor
Secretary Finance (Expenditure)
Source: Kerala State Government
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